User Review System
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Do you want your users to rate the reviews from the front-end?
StarCat Reviews comes with the best user review and rating system that helps to easily collect reviews from users. It can be enabled on all posts and pages including custom post types. It shows an overall user rating score along with individual user reviews and ratings. You can either allow only your logged in users to submit the review or you can allow everyone to submit their review.
This guide will help you on how to include a user review form and how to let your users to rate from the front-end.
By default the User reviews will be enabled. You can find it in Starcat settings -> User Review. In that, you can choose to enable and disable the options you need.
Who Can Review:
StarCat basically has two options. You can either allow everyone to submit the reviews, or you can set to allow only the logged-in users to submit the review. By default, the logged-in users option would have been enabled.
You can control it in Starcat settings -> User review -> Who can Review.
User Reviews List:
All the user reviews will be displayed as a List below the Author review.
You can set the User reviews List title to anything you wish. You can also enable or disable it.
Starcat settings -> User Review -> Show User Reviews List Title.
You can allow the user to vote the other user reviews
User Review Form:
User Review form will be enabled by default for the users. You can set a form title, choose to show or hide it for the users when they are submitting the review.
You can allow the users to include a title for their review, stats and also description for their review. You can disable any option if you don't wish them to appear for the users.
The reviews that are submitted by the users will not be directly published. It will be sent for the approval first. It will be published only when the admins have approved it.
Once you activated the Starcat Review plugin, a new post type called User Reviews will appear in the dashboard menu.
In that, the admin can see all the reviews submitted by the users and can approve it or move it to trash or can even mark it as spam if the review looks suspicious. Once approved, the reviews will be published for the users to see.
There is a review reply system enabling the admin/owner to reply to the user’s review. You can thank a user if it’s a good review or can explain to him/her if its a negative review so that others won't be miscarried.
Not just the admin, even other users can reply to a review received.
Starcat gives you three different sorting options for the user reviews. They can sort the review by Recent , Most positive and Most Helpful reviews.
Most positive reviews will be sorted by the rating score. Most helpful reviews will be sorted by the number of users marked the review as helpful
You can also search a particular review from the total reviews available using our search box.
To show reCAPTCHA to the users before submitting the reviews, you should enable it in Starcat Settings -> User Review -> Show reCAPTCHA.
Provide the reCAPTCHA Site key and reCAPTCHA secret key (which was given to you while registering your domain) in it's respective columns.
If you have not yet registered it, please go to .
Choose the Admin console option in the top right. In that, you have to create your site by clicking the + option.
You can give any label for your reCAPTCHA. But use a label that will make it easy for you to identify the site in the future.
Under the reCAPTCHA type, select "reCAPTCHA v2". Note: reCAPTCHA v3 will not work, just v2. v3 will be added soon.
Next, Add your domain name and accept their terms of service. Once submitted, you would receive the site and secret key which you need to provide in the columns mentioned above.