Review CPT Post (Single page)

Do you want to create a complete Review website?

Using our Startcat review CPT Add-on, you can create a perfect and amazing review website having a Main page (Archive), Category page and Single page.

Check this out to see how a review website using our CPT Add-on looks like:

Single Page Settings:

You can find the Single page settings in Starcat settings -> Single page

  • Template: Starcat basically have three templates. You can choose from left-sidebar to have a single sidebar alone in the left, right-sidebar to have a single sidebar in the right alone, and no-sidebar at all. You can add widgets to your sidebar from Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets. Starcat has a Reviews Listing widget using which you can list your reviews in the sidebar.

  • Show Review: You can choose to display only the Author review, or only the User Review or both.

Last updated

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